
Novus Newsletter: AI Highlights - January 2024

Zühre Duru Bekler
January 31, 2024
⌛️ min read
Table of Contents

Hey there!

Duru here from Novus, bringing you the best bits from our AI newsletters – now all in one place!

In our newsletters, we dive into the cool, the quirky, and the must-knows of AI, from how it's shaking up marketing to ethical debates in art, and even AI fortune-telling (yes, really!).

In this post, I'm unpacking some of the most important stories and insights from the first 2 issues of our newsletter published in January 2024. It's like a quick catch-up over coffee with all the AI chatter you might have missed.

And hey, if you like what you read, why not join our crew of subscribers? You'll get all this and more, straight to your inbox.

Let's jump in!


In our first email newsletter that we shared in the first days of the year, we talked about what kind of developments are expected on the AI side in 2024 like how AI is reshaping white-collar roles, with a focus on enhancing productivity and enabling new capabilities in knowledge-based and creative fields.

  • Key points included:
    • AI's role in enhancing productivity in knowledge-based fields.
    • The emerging trend of in-house AI solutions to counter GPU shortages.
    • The rise of actionable AI agents beyond traditional chatbots.
    • The urgent need for regulation with the advent of deepfake technology.

The Intersection of AI and Marketing

In our second issue, we explored AI’s growing but nuanced role in marketing.

  • Key Point: Despite AI's increasing use, there's not a major increase in AI-specific job requirements in marketing.

      This suggests a complex blend of AI tools and human creativity at play.

Art and AI: A Delicate Dance

We also touched upon the ethical aspect of AI in the art world.

  • Highlight: Kin Art's initiative aims to protect artists from AI exploitation.

      This reflects the need for ethical balance in technological advancement.

GDPR and AI - Navigating Data Privacy

Our focus at social media was on the critical role of GDPR in AI development.

Novus’s Adventures at CES 2024

Our co-founders represented Novus at CES 2024, a major tech event where AI technologies took center stage.

They explored an array of AI-powered innovations, from robots to holograms, and shared insights on how these technologies are shaping the future.

Our co-founders at CES 2024

AI’s Predictive Power and Ethical Implications

At CES 2024 many AI tools were unveiled for the first time. Among them were some pretty interesting ones, one of them being SK's AI Fortune Teller.

  • Key Point: Powered by high-bandwidth memory technology, it claims that it can tell users’ their fortune by reading their emotions.
    • The machine snaps a photo of your face and asks you to select a card from an on-screen deck.
    • Within moments, the AI analyzes facial characteristics and produces an Tarot card-like print with a short, future-looking message or piece of advice

Novus Updates and Team Insights

In addition to exploring the fascinating world of AI, we've been busy behind the scenes at Novus.

From revamping our website to engaging in vibrant discussions on Twitter and LinkedIn, our team has been actively shaping the narrative of AI.

These glimpses into our daily work and thought leadership reflect the passion and dedication we bring to the AI community.

If you’re intrigued and want to stay on top of AI’s latest developments, don’t forget to subscribe to the Novus Newsletter.

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