
Novus at NVIDIA GTC 2024!

March 22, 2024
⌛️ min read
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Novus is thrilled to share that our co-founders, Rıza Egehan Asad and Vorga Can, attended NVIDIA GTC 2024, the #1 AI conference event this week.

This is a transformative moment in AI, and they were there to witness Jensen Huang share groundbreaking AI developments shaping our future live on stage at SAP Center.

At Novus, we are committed to being at the forefront of progress, and NVIDIA GTC 2024 was the perfect platform to learn, network, and be inspired by the best in the industry.

Here are some highlights from our CEO, Egehan:

Meeting Jensen Huang: Egehan had a short conversation with Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA. His keynote speech was a harbinger of a new era.

Connecting with Harrison Chase: CEO of LangChain and Egehan have known each other for a long time, but they finally met face to face! Novus will be using LangChain’s offerings on a large scale in the next phase. This is the first step of a long-term partnership.

Discussion with Jerry Liu: CEO of LlamaIndex, and Egehan had a short discussion on advanced RAG methodologies and parallel datasets. The exchange was enjoyable and productive, and we thank him for his time.

We want to sincerely thank these three individuals and everyone we chatted with for making the event unforgettable. Egehan returned office with many new ideas thanks to these discussions.

Exciting Collaborations:

  • Lambda Labs: They will be supporting Novus. We are very proud to be the first company they will work with from Turkey! We look forward to using Lambda Labs in our trainings.
  • Together AI: Stay tuned to find out what we will do with Together AI. We may be announcing a partnership in the future.

To end this news, we want to express our gratitude to the NVIDIA team for organizing such an outstanding event. Everything from the sessions to the exhibitions and workshops was incredibly interesting and enlightening.

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